The Sophie Davis Forum Post-Doctoral Fellowship

The Sophie Davis Forum Post-Doctoral Fellowship



The Sophie Davis Forum on Gender, Conflict Resolution and Peace at The Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, is pleased to offer the Sophie Davis Post-Doctoral Fellowship, of up to 90,000 ILS (per annum).

The Fellowship is for Israeli and overseas applicants who are working on issues related to Gender, Conflict and Peace, or gender in International Relations more broadly.

Post-doctoral fellows are expected to attend the campus and actively participate in the activities of the Sophie Davis Forum and the Leonard Davis Institute.



Application Deadline: January 1, 2023 


Application Submission:

A. Complete Online application Form

B. Please upload the following documents according on the application website::

  • Abstract of the post-doctoral research proposal in Hebrew or English (up to one page). 
  • Detailed post-doctoral research proposal in Hebrew or English (up to five pages). 
  • Summary of PhD dissertation in Hebrew or English (up to five pages). 
  • Curriculum Vitae & list of publications. 
  • Copy of the PhD Diploma. 

C. Two letters of recommendation – according to instructions on the application website

For more details on the application process and the terms of the fellowship, please visit the Hebrew University Scholarships and Fellowships website at

For further inquiries, E-mail: