Rashomon in Jerusalem: Mapping the Israeli Negotiators Positions on the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process, 1993-2001

Rashomon in Jerusalem: Mapping the Israeli Negotiators Positions on the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process, 1993-2001

Date Published:

November 2004


This is a revised version of a paper presented for delivery at the Conference “Assessing the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations, 1993-2001,” Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel, March 1-2, 2004; and at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 17-20 March 2004.  I would like to thank Yaacov Bar-Siman-Tov, Galia Press-Bar-Nathan, Gil Friedman, Kathleen Hawk, and Orly Kacowicz for their comments in previous versions of this paper, and Laura Wharton, Hani Mazar, and Sharon Yakin-Mazar at the Leonard Davis Institute for their help and assistance.  

Last updated on 03/27/2018