Mon, 10/06/201912:15-13:30
Faculty room 2415
Carly Wayne, University of Michigan
Seminar Title: Risk or Retribution: The Micro-foundations of State Counter-terror Policies
Summary: Despite the widespread assumption regarding terrorism's "terrifying" effect, there has been little systematic testing of the factors that make terrorism so emotionally and politically powerful. This hinders our understanding of the strategic considerations undergirding militants' use of this tactic and our ability to address public health in the wake of terrorist violence. In this paper, I employ three survey experiments to examine the psychological mechanisms motivating the public's political responses to terrorism. I
find that the predominant emotional response to terrorism is anger rather than fear, and this drives support for retributive violence. Indeed, increased support for military retaliation in the wake of terror attacks is driven by those citizens who feel the least personally threatened by terrorist violence but the most morally outraged. These results belie the predominant narrative of the public's terror and overestimation of personal risk in the wake of terrorist violence and suggest that vengeance may be a more powerful driver of citizens' responses to this type of militant violence. This work thus provides insight into a major puzzle in the terrorism literature - why terrorists rarely receive concessions from states, but often provoke strong military responses - and has important implications for undermining the efficacy of terrorism as a tool of political violence.
find that the predominant emotional response to terrorism is anger rather than fear, and this drives support for retributive violence. Indeed, increased support for military retaliation in the wake of terror attacks is driven by those citizens who feel the least personally threatened by terrorist violence but the most morally outraged. These results belie the predominant narrative of the public's terror and overestimation of personal risk in the wake of terrorist violence and suggest that vengeance may be a more powerful driver of citizens' responses to this type of militant violence. This work thus provides insight into a major puzzle in the terrorism literature - why terrorists rarely receive concessions from states, but often provoke strong military responses - and has important implications for undermining the efficacy of terrorism as a tool of political violence.
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