8th Eurasian Peace Science Conference


The 8th Annual Eurasian Peace Science Conference will take place on January 14-15, 2019, at the Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Proposals addressing this year's theme "Peace Science in Contested Spaces" as well as all aspects of peace science are welcome. 
The conference’s goals are to broaden cooperation and intellectual dialogue amongst Eurasian and Middle Eastern peace science scholars, to encourage the fruitful interaction with the worldwide peace science community, and to bring together the most updated and relevant research on conflict and peace-related topics from throughout the entire world.
The deadline for submissions of individual papers and organized panels is August 1st, 2018. Proposals submitted after that date will only be considered if presentation slots remain available. We will notify you by email about your prospective participation in the conference by September 15, 2018.
We look forward to welcoming you in Jerusalem in January 2019.
Further details about the conference including the call for papers, abstract submission, venue information, the program, and more can be found following the links on the left.

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