8th Eurasian Peace Science Conference


The 8th Annual Eurasian Peace Science Conference will take place on January 14-15, 2019, at the Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Proposals addressing this year's theme "Peace Science in Contested Spaces" as well as all aspects of peace science are welcome. 
The conference’s goals are to broaden cooperation and intellectual dialogue amongst Eurasian and Middle Eastern peace science scholars, to encourage the fruitful interaction with the worldwide peace science community, and to bring together the most updated and relevant research on conflict and peace-related topics from throughout the entire world.
The deadline for submissions of individual papers and organized panels is August 1st, 2018. Proposals submitted after that date will only be considered if presentation slots remain available. We will notify you by email about your prospective participation in the conference by September 15, 2018.
We look forward to welcoming you in Jerusalem in January 2019.
Further details about the conference including the call for papers, abstract submission, venue information, the program, and more can be found following the links on the left.

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Call for Papers and Proposal Submission

We invite the submission of proposals for individual papers and organized panels/roundtables for the 8th Eurasian Peace Science Conference, which will take place on January 14-15, 2019, at the Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Jerusalem, Israel.
We welcome proposals for both organized panels/roundtables, individual papers, as well as proposals related to this year's theme "Peace Science in Contested Spaces". All aspects of the peace science discipline are welcome, including in particular: (a) empirical studies of political violence and peaceful resolution; (b) quantitative and formal analyses of conflict and peace processes; (c) peace science methodology and theory; (d) alliances, investment, trade, and conflict; (e) economic and political causes of international and domestic violence, encompassing war, ethnic conflict, terrorism, and criminal activity; (f) contemporary regional conflicts, particularly in Eurasia and the Middle East; (g) security and foreign policy; and (h) conflict analysis, management, and resolution.
Individual Paper Submissions: Prospective authors (graduate students or faculty members) are invited to submit an individual paper proposal that should include: a tentative title, an abstract (150-300 words), and contact information including academic affiliation, level of studies (if a graduate student), and academic rank (if a faculty member), as well as your e-mail/website.  Please include three/four key words/concepts from your paper, and indicate the relevant category from the list above (for instance, “empirical study of political violence”).
Organized Panels/Roundtables Submissions:  We also welcome the submission of organized paper panels and roundtables.  In this case, the submission should include a title and a general abstract (300-400 words) for the common theme of the panel. For organized panels, the submission should include a detailed list of all the participants and their respective paper abstracts, with all the relevant information noted above.  
Roundtable proposals should include a chair and up to six additional participants.  Panel proposals should include a chair, discussant, and up to five paper presenters (chairs can also serve as discussants and/or presenters). If a discussant is not nominated, we will find a conference participant for that role.

Volunteering to Serve as Chairs/Discussants:  Please indicate in your submission whether you are willing to serve as chair or discussant in the conference panels.  You could also indicate your area of expertise from the eight themes mentioned above (from a) to h)).
Registration deadline is over.
The deadline for submissions of individual papers and organized panels is August 1st, 2018.  Proposals submitted after that date will only be considered if presentation slots remain available. We will notify you by email about your prospective participation in the conference by September 15, 2018.
We look forward to welcoming you in Jerusalem in January 2019.


Conference Venue

The conference will take place at the Maiersdorf Faculty Club located in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus campus. 
Public Transportation to the conference Venue
TO: Mount Scopus Campus
The Mount Scopus bus terminus is inside a tunnel underneath the central buildings, making public transportation to Mount Scopus convenient and comfortably weatherproof. 
From the Central Bus Station: Egged bus lines 68
From the Leonardo Hotel : Egged bus lines 17, 19, 19A (appx. 10 minutes)
From Prima Royale: Egged bus line 34 (appx. 30 minutes)
From Prima Kings: Egged bus lines 17, 19, 19A, 34 (appx. 25 minutes)
From Prima Park: Light Rail #1 to "Ammunition Hill" and  Egged bus lines 34
If you use public transportation upon arrival, take the escalator and then turn left following the signs to the Maiersdorf faculty club.
If you use a taxi, please ask the driver to drop you off at the Maiersdorf faculty club and take the elevator to the fourth floor.

Graduate Students Award

We are delighted to annouce the competition for the best student paper award presented at the 8th Eurasian Peace Sicence Conference
Graduate students interested to be included in the competition for the Peace Science Society Prize for Best Graduate Student Paper should send an electronic copy of their paper to Prof. Arie Kacowicz (arie.kacowicz@mail.huji.ac.il) no later than midnight December 15th, 2018.
Co-authored papers are accepted only if all the authors are graduate students.
The length of the paper should not exceed 8,000 words (including bibliography and notes).
Although Ph.D. dissertations and MA theses are not eligible for the competition, papers based on these may be submitted.
The prize is available thanks to the generous support of the Peace Science Society (International) contribution of a fellowship in the amount of 2000$ to be used to cover expenses related to participation in its annual conference in the United States. 
A committee comprised of Faculty in the field of Peace Science will select the best student paper presented at the Conference and announcement will be made during the conference.



Jerusalem Leonardo Hotel

We have reserved rooms for conference participants at the Jerusalem Leonardo hotel.
The hotel is located about 10 min. drive from the conference venue at Mount Scopus campus. The hotel and campus are very well connected with public transportation. In addition we will arrange for a shuttle to campus in the morning and to the hotel in the afternoon. 
The hotel offers two rates:
$145 per night for single occupancy (Bed & Breakfast).
$165 per night for double occupancy (Bed & Breakfast).
Rooms and rates are guaranteed until 25/11/2018. To secure your room and rate please send your full name, dates of stay, and if you are interested in single or double occupancy to davisinst.conf@mail.huji.ac.il.

The Maiersdorf Faculty Club

The Maiersdorf Faculty Club is a guesthouse located in the Mt. Scopus campus. All panels and sessions will take place in the Maiersdorf Faculty Club conference center.
The guesthouse offers two rates:
$100 per night for single occupancy (Bed & Breakfast).
$130 per night for double occupancy (Bed & Breakfast).
Registration will be on the basis of first comes first served, and depends on availability of rooms at the hotel. Rooms and rates are guaranteed until 25/11/2018. To secure your room and rate please send your full name, dates of stay, and if you are interested in single or double occupancy to davisinst.conf@mail.huji.ac.il.

Prima Hotels

Prima Hotels are located in center of the city (Prima Kings and Prima Royal) and the city entrance not far from the central bus station (Prima Park). All three hotels are very well connected to the Mt. Scopus Campus by public transportation.
Prices for the prima hotels are for standard rooms only (without balconies). We have not reserved a block of rooms hence registration depends on availability of rooms at the hotels. For reservations at any of the Prima hotels, please refer to the Prima hotels website https://www.prima-hotels-israel.com/,
Choose hotel
Insert the dates (valid 10-18/1/2019)
Insert promo code eurasia19
The Prima hotels offer the following rates:
Prima Royal Hotel:
ILS500 per night for single occupancy (Bed & Breakfast).
ILS550 per night for double occupancy (Bed & Breakfast).
Prima Kings Hotel:
ILS525per night for single occupancy (Bed & Breakfast).
ILS575 per night for double occupancy (Bed & Breakfast).
Prima Park Hotel:
ILS400per night for single occupancy (Bed & Breakfast).
ILS450 per night for double occupancy (Bed & Breakfast).

Public Transportation to the conference Venue

TO: Mount Scopus Campus
The Mount Scopus bus terminus is inside a tunnel underneath the central buildings, making public transportation to Mount Scopus convenient and comfortably weatherproof. 
From the Central Bus Station: Egged bus lines 68
From the Leonardo Hotel : Egged bus lines 17, 19, 19A (appx. 10 minutes)
From Prima Royale: Egged bus line 34 (appx. 30 minutes)
From Prima Kings: Egged bus lines 17, 19, 19A, 34 (appx. 25 minutes)
From Prima Park: Light Rail #1 to "Ammunition Hill" and  Egged bus lines 34
If you use public transportation upon arrival, take the escalator and then turn left following the signs to the Maiersdorf faculty club.
If you use a taxi, please ask the driver to drop you off at the Maiersdorf faculty club and take the elevator to the fourth floor.

Registration fees

Graduate Students          30 $
Post-Doctoral Trainees   60 $
Faculty members             90 $

We also will be offering a day tour in Jerusalem. The cost of the tour is 20$ per participant.
Details about the tour to follow.
Details about the registration and payment options will be posted here in a later date. 

For Registration form click here




The Organizing Committee:
Prof. Dan Miodownik
Professor of Political Science and International Relations,
Director, The Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Prof. Arie M. Kacowicz,
Chaim Weizmann Chair in International Relations,
Professor of International Relations,
President, Israeli Association for International Studies,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Dr. Devorah Manekin,
Department of International Relations,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Prof. Nissim Otmazgin
Associate Director, The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for The Advancement of Peace
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,