This conference was organized by Professor
Yoram Haftel (Department of International
Relations, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
together with Professor Tobias Lenz (Center for
the Study of Democracy & Institute of Political
Science, Leuphana University Lüneburg).
Besides the generous support from the Davis
Institute, the conference was funded by a grant
from the Ministry of Science and Culture of
Lower Saxony, Germany (“Research Cooperation
Lower Saxony-Israel”) and the Halbert Centre
for Canadian Studies.
The conference attracted a large gathering of
international and Israeli scholars engaged in
cutting-edge analysis of authority and overlap
of international organizations. The group
shared research and reflected on the extent
and manner in which the authority / overlap
phenomena are linked. During the course of the
two-day conference participants engaged in
stimulating discussion and exchanged ideas on
the conference themes. This helped to deepen
their understanding of the theoretical and
empirical developments in this area of study,
and more broadly, of the current international
institutional environment. The conference was
attended by scholars from the United States
(Harvard, American University), UK (Newcastle
University), Italy (European University
Institute), Canada (Universite Laval), Spain
(IBEI), and Germany (GIGA Hamburg, Leuphana
University Luneburg, Georg-August-Universitat