Academic Staff Admission: Tenure Track Position in in Gender and International Relations

The Department of International Relations at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is seeking to fill in the newly established Leonard and Sophie Davis Lectureship in Gender, Conflict Resolution, and Peace, beginning fall 2023. We welcomeapplicants at all academic ranks.

The candidate to this endowed position is expected to have a proven record of excellence in cutting edge research and teaching in Gender and International Relations with an emphasis on Gender, Conflict Resolution and Peace and is expected to assume a leadership role in the development of research and teaching on Gender and IR in the
Hebrew University and beyond. We accept applications of scholars of all epistemological and methodological approaches to the study of gender. The candidate should also be able to complement the strengths of our department in other areas and sub-fields of International Relations. Candidates should be able to conduct research, to teach undergraduate
and graduate level classes as well as mentor students.

Advanced doctoral candidates are expected to have their dissertation approved no later than October 1st 2023.

The language of teaching at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is Hebrew, though some courses are taught in English. New faculty members are expected to be able to teach in Hebrew within a few years following their arrival.

The deadline for applications is 31 December 2022.

Please submit all application materials electronically here:
The applicants will be asked to upload:

• A list of required and elective courses that can be taught at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem;

• A scientific biography outlining research orientation and plans for the coming years;

• A Curriculum Vitae, including teaching experience;

• Copies of up to 3 recent publications (or conference papers);

Three letters of recommendation - are sent directly according to the guidelines.
Questions about the search can be addressed to Dan Miodownik at: