Former Carmon Award Winners

Year Winner's Name Lecturer Lecture Topic
1973 Yaacov Vertzberger    
1974 Yosef Lapid Moshe Maoz Syria after Yom Kipur war
1975 Sason Sofer Michael Handel Four paradoxes of surprise
1976 Amiram Nir Yehoshafat Harkabi Arab attitudes change and their impact on Israel

Mati Shtainberg

1978 Gabriella Heichal    
1979 Raudor Manor    
1980 Shmuel Gordon    
1981 Tuvia Ben Moshe    
1982 Meir Stieglitz Yitzhak Rabin Possibilities for peace after Lebanon (war)
1983 Uri Bar-Joseph Yehezkel Dror Intelligence strategies in a time of uncertainty
1984 Yaacov Tiegel Ehud Barak Problems in military intelligence activities
1985 Menahem Klein Avihu Ben-Nun Planning as a defensive response to threats and restrictions
1986 Avi Segal Amnon Lipkin-Shahak State of Israel in 2000
1987 Yigal Carmon Simcha Dinitz Israel-US relations
1988 Menachem Hofnung Yehoshafat Harkabi Major issues in international, political and strategic systems
1989 Avi Kober Israel's security future A. Gilboa, J. Evron, D. Tamari, Y. Harkabi
1990 Micha Bar Efraim Inbar The war conception of the political elite in the 1980s
1991 Moshe Abalo Shlomo Gazit Intelligence and the peace process
1992 Shimon Arad Efraim Sne Israel in a changing region
1993 Korina Kagan Yuval Neria Life in the Shadow of War: Psychological Aspects
1994 Orli Vered Hanan Shwartz Dealing with strategic surprises in a world of uncertainty
1995 Sean M. Finn Meir Shamgar On human dignity and violence in Israeli society
1996 Asaf Zussman Shlomo Ben-Ami Society, security and state in Israel
1997 Emily Landau Shlomo Avineri Policy and Intelligence
1998 Tal Sade Uri Bialer Intelligence as an academic discipline
1999 Oded Lowenheim Itamar Rabinovich Renewal of peace talks between Israel and Syria
2000 Uri Resnick Isaac Ben-Israel Future Technologies
2001 Yael Kriespin Amos Gilad appreciation of situation

Amir Lupovici

Meir Dagan The threats to Israel in the third millennium
2004 Shmuel Bachar Ron Ben-Yishai US intelligence in the war in Iraq and the "day after"
2005 Ehud Golan Avi Dichter Overview of the Shin Bet
2006 Guy Laron Ami Ayalon Options for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
2007 Itamar Radai Meir Amit 50 years of Operation Kadesh
2008 Asaf David Giora Eiland The Israeli-Palestinian conflict
2009 Gil Limon Asher Susser Israel and the Palestinians between Acre and Gaza
2010 Gadi Hanania Dan Meridor Then and today-Israel and the region from the Six Day War to the present day
2011 Lior Lehrs Carmi Gilon Matters of the day
2012 Keren Sasson Itzhak Levanon 30 days in Cairo - personal testimony of the revolution
2013 Emanuel Blanc Yuval Tzur The maritime space is in constant motion
2014 Yonatan Freeman Yaakov Amidror The National Security Council and the decision-making process
2015 Gilit Rubinstein Yitzhak Danino  
2016 Eli Osheroff Shaul Chorev The sea as an element in the resilience of the State of Israel
2017 Ophir Hadad, Yogev Elbaz, Omri Edomi Moshe Yaalon The challenges of the State of Israel in the Middle East and in the international arena
2018 Naama Lutz, Nir Tzur Efraim Halevi The impossible dialogue between the IDF and the strategic assessment of the situation in Israel in 2018
2019 Ofek Rimer Elyakim Rubinstein Security and Justice - Personal Perspective
2020 Jason Silverman Yaacov Vertzberger Strategic rivalries between soaring powers - between escalation and restraint: China and India in the 21st century